@misc{Malaga_Krzysztof_Matematyka_2010, author={Malaga, Krzysztof}, year={2010}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Didactics of Mathematics, 2010, Nr 7 (11), s. 93-108}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu}, language={pol}, abstract={The aim of the article is to display the author‘s opinion on the need of changes in the way of thinking about mathematics application in economics regarding both existing conditions and new challenges in teaching process undertook in Polish universities of economics for Bache-lor, Master and PhD degrees. In the first part the basic fields of economics-mathematics knowledge are stated: econometrics, mathematical economics and operations research. They all constitute the frames for contemporary applications of mathematics in economics. In the second part it is a question of applying mathematics in micro-economics. There are introduced the main handbooks on micro-economics available in Poland. What is more, the author‘s didactical offer is presented in this part (Malaga 2010). It is an attempt of harmonious connection of knowledge on micro-economics, linear algebra, mathematical analysis and the basics of mathematical economics. In the third part there are presented ten critical remarks on organization of the teaching process undertook in the range of three degrees studies on economics considering the role of mathematics. In the conclusion there has been assumed a postulate on need of separating, during the three degrees studies, two parallel paths of teaching: theoretical one, enabling gaining interdisciplinary compe-tence, essential for providing scientific research satisfying the highest world standards; and practic-al one, directed to the needs of contemporary labor market}, type={artykuł}, title={Matematyka na usługach mikroekonomii}, keywords={challenges in teaching process, mathematical application in economics, mathematical economics, operations research}, }