@misc{Kudyba_Dominik_Fitting_2013, author={Kudyba, Dominik}, identifier={DOI: 10.15611/me.2013.9.03}, year={2013}, rights={Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone (Copyright)}, description={Mathematical Economics, 2013, Nr 9 (16), s. 29-38}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu}, language={eng}, abstract={In connection with the ongoing process of liberalization in the Polish electricity market, customer orientation and its needs are becoming an important competitive advantage of electricity trading companies. The aim of this article is an attempt to present and solve the problem of fitting baseload and peakload futures contracts to future planned energy demand as a multicriteria programming problem. Due to the large number of variables and nonsmooth criteria the Monte Carlo simulation was used to solve the problem. The model has been built to minimize price and imbalance volume between future planned demand and standard products able to purchase on the Polish commodity market. Due to future SPOT, the settlement simulation model requires future SPOT prices.}, title={Fitting baseload and peakload futures contracts to future planned energy demand}, type={artykuł}, keywords={electricity, hedging, multicriteria optimization, electricity futures contracts}, }