@misc{Lundström_Mari_Oxidative_2017, author={Lundström, Mari and Seisko, Sipi and Jascisak, Jari and Oráč, Dušan and Aromaa, Jari and Havlík, Tomáš and Forsén, Olof}, identifier={DOI: 10.5277/ppmp170209}, year={2017}, publisher={Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wrocławskiej}, description={Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing. Vol. 53, 2017, Issue 2, pp. 781–792}, language={eng}, type={article}, title={Oxidative pressurized acid leaching of waste printed circuit boards}, keywords={mineral processing, mineralurgy, mineral engineering, extractive metallurgy, separation, enrichment, batch leaching, sulfuric acid, copper, tin, gas formation}, }